The reporters were also surprised. Caressa smiled and explained, "I think this is a historic day. I want to be a glorious witness on this day. I’m here. Let’s not dwell on such details and talk about today’s protagonist."


"Nine years ago, when he left Lazio to join AC Milan, it was the most eye-catching and sensational transfer event in Italy that year-Lazio lost their flag that year, and since then, the winner of the double champion has fallen rapidly … both in terms of competitive performance and economic level … Some people say that it was because Lazio lost their flag and lost their soul, and they lived like walking corpses …"
Caressa turned low.
Lazio fans in the stands are also immersed in memories of the past with his voice.
Those years were really hard to remember.
Cragnotti said that the sale of Stada was to alleviate the club’s financial crisis, but the actual sale of Stada did not help Lazio tide over the crisis, but it went from bad to worse.
Cragnotti is trapped in the Lazio club as if it could close down at any time.
Lazio fans are on tenterhooks all day.
Now they regret it. If they had known this result, they should never have let Starr leave. At least Starr belongs to Lazio players.
Of course, there are also contradictions among people. On the one hand, I don’t want Starry to see him win so many titles in AC Milan, but I think he should go because it is obviously impossible to win so many titles, win so many bets and become a real world-class central defender in Lazio.
For Stahl, staying in Lazio is not good. Going to AC Milan is truly world-class.
This ambivalence actually stems from Lazio fans’ inferiority complex towards the team.
Lazio is indeed much weaker than AC Milan. AC Milan is a shame. What is Lazio?
It’s like a pure diaosi girlfriend with Gao Shuai rich.
If it is, it is obviously the right choice to let your girlfriend have a good life and follow Gao Shuai Fu.
If pure diaosi really loves his girlfriend, he should wish her and Gao Shuai a happy life.
This stems from diaosi’s inferiority complex.
In those years, every time AC Milan returned to the Olympic Stadium to play Lazio, Lazio fans were so ambivalent.
But in fact, their hearts are very sad.
It is sad to see Starr wearing AC Milan red and black striped shirt, Lazio opponent Lazio fans.
That’s their flag …
But I got stuck in someone else’s camp
If … if Lazio is strong enough, if we don’t have a damn economic crisis, Starr will definitely play for Lazio until he retires!
At that time, Lazio fans no longer believed that Starr would come back to Lazio.
Just as Caressa was sensational outside, Starr waited in the player’s aisle alone.
This place is no stranger to Starr. He was here last season.
Just with AC Milan teammates.
It’s strange to be able to wait here in a Lazio shirt again-he hasn’t done this for a long time, and the feeling is almost forgotten …
But he was very excited.
He felt his heart beating fast.
The excitement was like when he first played for Lazio.
He still remembers that day, March 12, 1994, a few days before Stada’s tenth birthday, Lazio coach Zoff first put his name on the playing list, although he was a substitute … When he replaced pierluigi casiraghi at the 33rd minute of the half-time match between Lazio and Houdusse, his mind went blank, but even so, he didn’t make any mistakes in the game …
Lazio has been strange since then.
While Starr was waiting to appear in the passage, a worker came to take a photo with him.
"I’m a big fan of yours. I loved watching you play football since I was a child, but you left before I came to watch it …" The young worker was very excited to gather together with his mobile phone.
Starr gave him what he wanted and signed it for him.
Then he heard Caressa shouting his name.
The worker Ma switched from being a fan and came back to wake Starr up.
So Starr walked out of the passage and appeared in front of everyone with great cheers.
Countless cameras and camera lenses were aimed at Starr and followed him until he walked to the rostrum.
More than 50 thousand fans in the stands stood up and applauded to welcome Starr back
This is a historic moment!
When Starr reappeared in everyone’s field of vision in Lazio blue jersey, many people’s eyes were blurred.
Tears welled up in their eyes and fascinated them.
I didn’t expect them to see this scene again in their lifetime …

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