Leisheng just felt that it would be impossible for the top ten families in the city to resist Dashan County a little, and it would be impossible for them to occupy fenglei city or occupy it without bloodshed.


He doesn’t understand this kind of thing
Of course, I don’t understand it for a while, and I didn’t realize how extreme I was until he remembered himself after some things.
Kunjian praised Lei Sheng for patting him on the shoulder. "You did a good job. I’ve long wanted to do this, but it’s not that you’re alone. Just leave it to me."
Lei Sheng was sure that "nothing will happen, but that man named Guangpeng has never made a move. He is a gloomy person and has to be guarded against teaching."
Kun Jian took one look and followed Cang River away. Guangpeng said, "Guangjia specializes in drilling and operating, which may have something to do with his growing environment. He won’t make moves easily until he finds the right opportunity."
Lei Sheng smiled. "That’s interesting. I want to see if he can find such an opportunity."
The next day, a middle-aged man who claimed to be a housekeeper came to Wutong Mountain.
He didn’t make a fuss, and he didn’t come to Kunjian directly. Instead, he came to Kunjian very kindly and asked, "Who is Ge’s apprentice?"
Kun Jian generously admitted that "a family teacher understands the world."
The housekeeper nodded. "Good, good, good teachers make excellent students. Do you know how much it will cost me to send my brother to the Wutong Sect?"
Kun Jian smiled. "That’s not my heart. I know that your brother was only injured in the normal competition of other brothers in the ring. It’s normal. He has also beaten many people."
Kunjianqian means that if your family can hurt others, others can hurt you.
The housekeeper’s finger questioned Lei Sheng during the training. "I don’t believe that such a child can hurt my family like this. Children don’t lie. I have to ask myself if Kunjian teaches."
Kun Jian said, "Are there so many people watching? Since you want to confront each other face to face, I will naturally call someone for you."
Kunjian summoned Leisheng. "This steward doesn’t believe that you can defeat Ranhuo in the ring and wants to ask you face to face."
Leisheng glanced at the manager and said, "Your family will bully the weak. I am small but not weak."
The housekeeper took a look around Lei Sheng with great interest. "You won the fire in the ring, but we can talk about it. Yesterday, you besieged me with many people, but my family caused my two talented brothers to be seriously injured. Are you so ready to get away with it?"
After the housekeeper finished this sentence, she suddenly burst into trouble and blasted her head with a punch.
The housekeeper was very close to Leisheng, and Kunjian didn’t expect the other party to play sneak attack and paralyze him as soon as he took the words. He couldn’t come until the other party pushed for help.
Just when Kun Jian was in shock, he suddenly heard the sound of thunder in his ear. "I warned you as soon as I started. I am small but not weak. You are barking up the wrong tree."
Leisheng’s arm is in front of his head, and his small hand tightly holds the housekeeper’s fist.
"You are better than the two brothers, but you are not much better."
Kunjian returned to absolute being and kicked him in the housekeeper’s body.
Leisheng let go of the housekeeper and fell to the ground.
Curled up in the ground, he looked up and stared at Kun Jian and Lei Sheng with hatred. "Don’t be so finished. But my family sends you 50,000 Jin of grain every year. Now you have abolished my two three-generation brothers. If you don’t give a hand over to treat this 50,000 Jin of grain, you don’t want it."
Chapter 34 disturb the owner
The housekeeper made no secret of his danger and malice, as if this sentence were magical, and it would frighten Leisheng and Kunjian to kneel down and beg for mercy.
Yes, this is a naked threat.
Kun Jian didn’t think that these families were willing to pay such a high price for winning the favor of the Indus Sect.
50,000 Jin of grain, the shortage of grain in the sphere is definitely a big deal.
If an ordinary person owns this 50 thousand Jin of grain, it will be a worry in his life, and he will step into a well-off life
Leisheng didn’t panic at all, but praised, "I still left my last move."
The housekeeper grimaced and stared at Kun Jian. "I don’t care who your master is. I just remembered that foot."
Kunjian suddenly felt that things were a little tricky and stupefied.
Suddenly, a scream woke him up again. wait for a while looked at falling to the ground again. The housekeeper opened her mouth and was surprised to see that Leisheng had not recovered her fist.
"You are so threatening that I will be punished for sending Indus, so I will care more about your life." Leisheng said with a straight face.
The housekeeper was forced. He never expected to meet an unreasonable card.
Shouldn’t they kneel down and beg my forgiveness?
Then I asked them to kneel and lick my shoes, and I stepped on their faces and told them that it was a mess.
The housekeeper coughed violently and pulled him back from his beautiful fantasy.
He quickly covered his mouth, but he couldn’t control the blood from his fingers.
Leisheng approached him step by step, and the housekeeper looked at Leisheng with horror. "What do you want?"
Lei Sheng smiled, "Guess what I want to do to give you a chance."
"Don’t don’t …" The housekeeper shouted in horror.
"Did you just be down a peg or two? Is the mountain road very powerful? You’d better go there. I tell you, if your family really does this, the fate with the Wutong Sect will stop here."
Leisheng came to the housekeeper and stopped. Although he was still very short, in the housekeeper’s view, Leisheng’s momentum was like a mountain and the sun made him unable to look straight.
The housekeeper suddenly felt his eyes sting, so he narrowed his eyes quickly.
Oh, well, the sun does shine behind Lei Sheng.
"Let’s leave a chance to meet again. I’m done here. Hello."
The housekeeper froze for a moment, then quickly ran away as if death were chasing him.
"I’m going to see a master in the mountain," Kun Jian said after the housekeeper left.
Lei Sheng suddenly asked, "Is Master too old to ask about the Wutong Sect?"
Kun Jian stopped and looked at Lei Sheng with a wry smile. "Have you noticed?"
Leisheng nodded his head, and he didn’t know what Kunjian wanted to introduce him. He worshipped the enlightened people.
On the seniority, the Daoist is the oldest in the Wutong Sect, but it is time to die because of his limited training. However, he has been obsessed with martial arts all his life and has not loved the things that came out until his later years, but for an elder who has no benefit in the Wutong Sect, no one wants to worship at his door.

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