The people around you are really chilling.


Xu didn’t tremble because he was now competing with the devil mantis.
Although there is no Gu Wu, Xu is not underestimated in terms of speed or strength. This is also seen by the devil mantis
Although the devil mantis has Gu Wu, he is not sure of a complete victory.
The two men competed with each other.
This is almost equal to the state of parity, and whoever loses first will have a higher failure rate.
This is also the reason why two people haven’t made moves yet.
But they will eventually do it.
Both of them are capable of being defeated by the wise men.
At this time, it is unfair to talk about who will start first, so two people will hand at the same time.
They are almost as fast.
They walked out almost at the same time.
Their fists swung out almost at the same moment.
This is absolutely fair.
But Xu’s fist is an out-and-out fist, and the fist of the devil mantis is a little weird
The techniques of mantis boxing mainly include hook, floor, picking, hanging, sticking, sticking, leaning, defying, advancing, collapsing and hitting twelve characters, which requires a serial attack of "don’t be tricky, don’t hit a trick, hit a few times"
Xu’s ever-changing fist technique immediately lost its luster.
Almost instantly, I fell into the wind.
Generally speaking, the style of mantis boxing is fast, brave, resolute and courageous.
Although Xu has not lost at the moment, the momentum has fallen behind.
This section seems short, but it will gradually become a fatal threat over time.
Xu didn’t lose in an instant, although he was not as good as the devil mantis, he was very fast.
The devil mantis is facing the side attack, the reality is mutual, the length is both long and short, the rigidity and softness are combined, and the hands and feet are unpredictable and unpredictable. The interlocking and tight-fitting technique forces the other side to give the enemy a breathing space.
The mantis boxing is rich in techniques, ranging from a large-scale hand to a short and quick hand, from elbow-to-elbow grasping to ground-to-ground wrestling. In terms of routine drills, we pay attention to fast but not chaotic, rigid but not stiff, soft but not soft, and the routine is rigorous in structure and clever in dynamic connection.
Xu has really understood the benefits of mantis boxing, but he is still not defeated.
Once, when the four ghosts of Xiangxi fought, their faces were swollen, but they were not completely defeated because he was limited to reality.
The devil mantis is indeed worse than the four ghosts in Xiangxi, but perhaps it is not what Wu Amon used to be.
Xu’s perception is fifty times that of ordinary people, and sometimes he can perceive from which direction the opponent’s attack is coming.
Although this feeling can’t appear every time, it is very accurate to appear.
With this powerful perception, it may be thrilling.
And Xu speed can make up for the lack of strength by a small margin.
But Xu knows very well that if he goes on like this, he will lose.
So he must create an opportunity for himself.
This opportunity will give him the ability to fight back
Xu thought of the frightened eyes.
It’s the shock that has passed once. If you talk again, the devil mantis may be prepared and lead to failure.
But what if it’s not shocking?
Xu thought of other props in the shopping mall.
There are six props in the Shoppers Mall, and the hidden props crash course has not been obtained, which can only be obtained after the master is cured.
Now I need to find something helpful from these six props.
He can now rely on these six props.
The shock has passed, the truth has been printed back to the soul for a while, and there seems to be nothing wrong with the dumb technique. It doesn’t matter much whether a person can speak or not.
Xu put the target on the stupid face.
A little pretentious index can make a person who is not determined to be stupid for an hour.
Not determined?
Of course, there are preconditions for this prop to be so rebellious.
So is there something for people like the devil mantis?
No matter how much!
Xu Xiangen doesn’t care so much, and he can’t care so much.
Because his life could end at any moment.
Mantis fist is a very sharp fist, and even worse, every move of the devil mantis will kill people.
The name of this technique is a bit funny, but it’s genuine after deducting a little force index.
Xu’s eyes flashed a rare blue light.
This blue light directly hit the brain of the devil mantis.
Chapter one hundred and thirteen Secret Book Institute
Maybe the original 54-point loading force index gained some experience one after another these days, earned some loading force indexes, and now lost some loading force indexes, and now there are 45 loading force indexes left.
Although the index is very fast, Xu Xian doesn’t pay attention to these things. He should pay attention to the change of the devil mantis
Stupid surgery has different eyes.
A frightened eye needs the other person’s eye contact, and it can be played unless the other person’s psychological endurance is particularly good and he doesn’t care whether he has fallen into hell or not.
Although this stupid technique doesn’t need people to look at it, it is epidemic to people who are particularly determined in mind

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