Phoenix’s threesome change has exhausted Huo Tianqing’s change, and he can’t find any way to stab this beautiful sword light into his chest.


GongSunLan people have love sword, but love sword is light. There is no unnecessary change in the control of red ribbon in her hand. A fast word is firmly stabbed to Huo Tianqing’s heart.
This sword is as sure as a gun. Of course she won’t miss it. She never missed it a few months ago. She missed it once before.
Her face expression remains unchanged, still noble, still beautiful and unspoken.
However, before this sword light, there is suddenly an extra hand, and no one knows this hand, so no one knows that this hand has come as if it had been here since the beginning of time and has never disappeared.
Instead, it seems that this sword light hit this hand by itself.
This slender hand with clean fingers stretched out the index finger and middle finger, and the light of the sword disappeared, revealing the blade like autumn water.
The white jade hilt is fantastic. Since ancient times, the master sword is still so sharp and incomparable. It is full of bleak shock wave and indestructible. However, the blade of the sword has not cut Li Zhichang’s skin like the second time.
His finger skin is still smooth and delicate, and it is hard for people to imagine that he looks whiter than a girl in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and his skin can be so tough.
Li Zhichang smiled and said, "We give up this time."
Gong Sunlan said, "I won the sword, but I lost the battle for life and death."
Li Zhichang sighed, "This is not a life-and-death war."
Gong Sunlan said, "I know."
Li Zhichang said, "I’m drunk. Let’s beat the third game. I really want to find a soft and comfortable big bed to sleep with him for three days and three nights."
Gong Sunlan said, "I hope you can wake up again after sleeping this time."
Li Zhichang said, "The sun rises as usual every day. Since I can sleep, I can also wake up."
Gong Sunlan said, "Then wipe your eyes."
Li Zhichang said, "The first two games were all your questions, and the third game was our questions."
Gong Sunlan said "Ke"
Li Zhichang said, "In the third game, we compared lightness skill."
Gong Sunlan said, "If it’s better than flying skill, don’t say that you still let tourist trap Huo Xiao continue to come."
Li Zhichang said, "Nature is"
Gong Sunlan said, "You don’t look heavy after drinking so much wine."
Obviously, Li Zhichang can’t be as light as a swallow and can’t fly again after drinking so much wine.
Li Zhichang said, "I feel so good now that my body is as light as if I were going to fly."
Gong Sunlan said, "That’s because you’re drunk." Drunk people naturally feel as if they want to rely on the virtual wind, but actually, their bodies are as heavy as a weight and they can’t fly.
Li Zhichang said, "If I am drunk, how can I see your sword and how can I hold your sword?"
Gong Sunlan said, "Drunk people can’t even see the road clearly. Who knows if you are lucky or not?"
Li Zhichang leisurely said, "Sometimes good luck is also a kind of thing."
Gongsun Lan sneered, "I hope you can have it all the time."
I don’t know where the girl in red found two gongs. She cleared her throat and said, "When the gong rings, you and your elder sister will display lightness skill in Li Zhichang."
Li Zhichang said, "That’s like winning or losing."
The girl in red said, "naturally, the elder sister starts first and then moves. Even if you chase the elder sister, even if you win, and sometimes you can’t catch up after half an hour, then you lose."
Li Zhichang said, "As the saying goes,’ Men chase women across the mountain’, how do I feel that I am suffering?"

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