"The first master of the wild boar camp belongs to his real name!"


When you see everyone’s respect and awe for Hang Yu,
Angelnan also inexplicably feel very heart in my heart.
In real life, those girls who grew up in greenhouses and have little life experience and little social experience are most likely to have a fetish for some idols with beautiful images. They will always be immersed in and enjoy the idol image by constantly supplementing their brains.
Jiang Nan used to sniff.
She thinks this kind of thing is really childish.
I feel that I don’t need any idols.
Jiang Nangen doesn’t realize that there is no difference between her worship of the Great God and her infatuation with idols. She has become the number one fan of Hangyu.
It is probably also that distance produces beauty.
Just because I don’t know what real life is like
She can produce huge brain tonic.
In Angelnan’s eyes, Hang Yu is a powerful, mysterious, wise, giving people a great sense of security, occasionally humorous and graceful person who will take care of others properly but not out of line … He is simply a perfect person!
Hang Yu said, "Why have you become as big-mouthed as two dog?"
Angelnan wittily spat out his tongue. "The Great God should be respected by everyone."
"We all know that Xiao Hang has always been a low-key person and doesn’t like to attract too much attention."
"But this time, it’s not bad to consolidate one’s hope a little through this matter. After all, I have to trouble you to lead the team to get through the boundary tower."
Zhao several people came over.
Hang Yu heard Zhao say this and immediately asked, "Have you hit the boundary tower?"
"The battle progressed well today, killing 19 monsters almost reached the foot of the tower."
"But there’s a well-defended fortress on the tower. The monster is very well guarded."
"We were too few to be sure, and it was already dark, so we sent them back."
Zhao probably explained the situation again.
Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately shouted exaggeratedly, "We can rely on you when Boss Hang picks us up!"
Xu Tianhua and Chen’s jade also nodded.
Although the two men are so upset about Hangyu’s popularity.
But they have to admit that Hangyushi is a great person.
The difficulty of Jieta fortress is absolutely very high.
If Hang Yu joins the command, everyone will have a bottom.
After all, at this stage, no one wants to try and make mistakes, and the best step is in place.
"Don’t worry, I’m all white."
"It’s really hard to get through this fortress without relying on one person."
Hang Yu nodded. "If we want to enter the boundary tower, we must work together with Qi Xin."
"There are more than a hundred people attacking the boundary tower fortress. Will it be a little less?" Xu Tianhua blurted out his concern that "we mobilized more people when we attacked the wild boar camp."
"The more people, the better. If it’s too low, it’s easy to slow down and risk sending a lot of people. It’s not as good as the best force in the middle." Hang Yu paused and continued, "Our current team is indeed a little weak, but you’re not worried that I’ll invite another reinforcements when I come to the spiritual world."
Strong support?
What do you mean?
Can it be said that Hang Yu still knows his top player?
But there are so many masters in the camp. Besides Hang Yu, a super-class master, everyone should be familiar with his first-class master. What kind of reinforcements can you find besides these people?
Hang Yu did not explain it carefully.
Anyway, everyone will know when we come next time.
He then tried to sell the war profits, but it was obvious that the mysterious businessman consumed too much spar here, and now there is not enough spar to shop.
In exchange for things?
Hang Yu is short of things now.
And he lacks something. These people certainly don’t.
"How much is your second-order fear warrior skill stone?"
Xu Tianhua immediately showed a very interested expression after he found this piece just suitable for his second-order host skill. This skill stone is too precious to miss Hangyu, and I don’t know how long it will take to meet it here.
"Three exchange schemes" Hang Yu put forward his own conditions: "First, the green crystal will not bargain; second, the green skill stone of the combat expert will be exchanged for’ double holding’; third, the second-order white skill stone of Berserker will be exchanged for’ rage and explosion’ and the equivalent difference".
Xu Tianhua looked depressed.
Two hundred green crystals are definitely not available.
Even for him, it is a huge sum of money.
Hang Yu needs two second-order skill stones, and he doesn’t have them either.
"Give me a little, this time we dropped too much spar. It is more stressful to take out more than 200 green crystals." Xu Tianhua said that he paused and continued, "But I can try to help you find these two skill stones."
Xu Tianhua is not simple.
Anyway, colonel
But an out-and-out senior officer!
This way, people must be very broad. It is much more reliable to find acquaintances in both the military and Skynet and ask him to help you find words than to find them by yourself.
"When I came to the spirit world"

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