"Still playing games? We’re almost at the Blue Ocean Personnel Restaurant, so he’s not going to come out and have a look! "


Speaking of which, Xiafa decided to take Liu Yuan out of the playroom.
I’ve been in the boat play room since the boat.
Their captain Liu Yuan is really unreliable!
Soon Xiafa came to the wizard’s ship department.
Before she went into the wizard’s boat.
I heard a fierce sound coming from a house not far away.
"Go here, go here, Xiaoguang, will you play! There is definitely a trap over there! "
"Go! Go! You won’t go when you meet bss! "
"Oh, stupid! You can’t even beat the first bss! Let me come!"
When Xia fa followed that excited sound
I quickly walked into a room that said’ Play Room’.
After entering the room, she soon saw Liu Yuan playing games with several pet animals.
Before meeting a huge game machine
Xiaoguang is playing a game excitedly, and next to that game machine
Liu Yuan and Nana are excited to watch.
Liu Yuan and Nana are very excited.
I just didn’t push Xiaoguang to fuck myself
And next to Tam, Xiaojian, Xiaojin Little Blue Cat, four pet animals.
Is interested in this.
They looked at Liu Yuan’s faces around the game machine and wondered.
It seems that thinking about this machine in front of you is so attractive to Liu Yuan and them.
To get them from the boat to the present
Almost all around this game machine have never left.
Xiafa went to Liu Yuan and patted him on the shoulder. "Dear Captain, do you know that our horse is about to arrive in the blue domain?"
I am gearing up to replace Xiaoguang’s game machine Lu Yuan.
When I heard this, I turned to look like Xiafa.
"ah? Will it arrive so soon? I feel a few days! "
In this regard, Xiafa immediately had a black line.
What do you mean, a few days!
It has been seven days since we left Shuilu College!
And in these seven days, you have been out except when you came out to cook for us.
Most of the time base is in the playroom.
I don’t have any regrets when I think about this.
Regret that Lu Yuan wanted to install a playroom in the cabin at that time.
She should strongly refuse.
After all, who would have thought that Lu Yuan, who was only 19 years old, reached the gold level?
Is actually a heavy game fan!
I am so obsessed that I can stay here all day for seven days without going out!
"Come on, stop playing. The headmaster asked us to come to Blue Domain, but there are"
"What if you can’t finish here all the time?"
Looking at a serious expression reprimanding yourself, Xiafa.
Lu Yuan regretted saying "OK, OK"
He glanced regretfully at the game machine behind him.
White oneself happy hour is over.
Xiaoguang looked at the excitement and rubbed his hands.
It’s supposed to be dead.
You should change to Luyuanchang to play.
But now Liu Yuan is leaving.
Doesn’t that mean it can have another life!

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