"Dad!" Lin Rong screamed, his face lit up, and he burst into bloom with joy, and he flew past with one step.


"What a glorious son!" Lin Rong Lin Songyi Xi immediately took the jump.
Lin Fang froze at the moment!
Lin Ping froze!
Even Lin Yang froze!
"This little bastard … is he really a forest teacher?"
It was Lin Yang’s low eyes that flashed a trace of doubt "It shouldn’t be!"
"Where’s your mother?"
Lin Song suddenly asked Lin Rong to be sad immediately.
A little bad feeling suddenly broke out in Lin Song’s heart.
"What the hell is going on?"
Zhai Ling went over to sink and said, "The road you sent was killed by the East Devil! Including your wife! "
"What?" Lin Song burst into indecision and a stream of blood rushed to his forehead, but soon he still frowned and asked, "Ge … who is it?"
Zhai Ling haven’t answer little mouth "dad is big brother to save us! It was Ma Shu who died after saying a few words after being rescued! "
Although Lin Song didn’t want to believe such a thing, his words forced him to believe it.
Is to endure grief, "thank you little brother to rescue! Otherwise my children are also in born to die. "
Said is a worship.
Zhai Ling hurriedly took Lin Song to worship.
Because Lin Yang, several people, Lin Song, took Zhai Ling to his room and led him to some things that he didn’t want others to know.
"East Devil Thieves!" Lin Song gnashed her teeth and spat out a word. I couldn’t wait to bite those people to death now.
Zhai Ling’s face remained the same, and he was associated with Lin Yang’s expression at that time, but he already had some ideas in his heart, but now it is not suitable to tell Lin Song to save the trouble of startling him.
After some thanks, Zhai Ling returned to Lin Song’s room for him.
He didn’t care about the Lins’ affairs. After all, this is the Lins’ family. He is an outsider who doesn’t need or qualify to care.
But Zhai Ling decided to stay here for half a day. God knows what will happen!
Zhai Ling, who is sitting on the couch, is practicing the achievement method seriously. I have to say that as his level is getting higher and higher, the speed of spiritual cultivation will slow down.
"It’s too slow. It’s missing something special."
I still can’t help but sigh. Zhailing’s speed will drop, not because he can’t absorb the aura of heaven and earth, but because he has improved the quality of absorbing aura to meet the whale.
Only by adding some natural materials and treasures can Zhai Ling’s cultivation speed increase, but where can I find it now
When Zhai Ling sighed, there was some noise not far from the door
"Dad is the little beast who beat us. You must avenge our brothers."
"Yes, dad, that little beast just started without saying anything. He simply doesn’t take our Lins seriously. He must not be spared!"
A sudden walk gradually approached about seven people.
Soon Zhai Ling’s door was kicked.
"Little beast, get out of here!" The explosion was deafening, and a dark-faced middle-aged man came in first.
Zhai Ling opened his eyes to see a few figures in front of him and probably knew something to calm down.
"Dad is him!"
"This little beast must kill him," said two young men, clutching their black and blue faces and pointing to Zhai Ling’s resentment.

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